***Updates in purple***
***Coupons available in red: coupon value, coupon title, exp date, and where you can find the coupon***
Laundry Soap:
- Menards: Arm & Hammer Clean Burst scent 100 loads $6.99 ($.06 a load) Ajax 98 loads $4.99 ($.05 a load). $2.00 off 2 Arm & Hammer laundry detergent, exp. 5/17/14, SS 4/13/14.
- TP:
- Target: Angel Soft 12 double rolls equal to 24 regular rolls $5.49 ($.22 a roll). $.45 off 1 Angel Soft bath tissue, exp. 5/31/14, RP 4/27/14.
- Paper Towels:
- Menards: Bounty Basic 12 large rolls equal to 15 regular rolls $8.99 ($.59 a roll) $.25 off 1 Bounty towels or napkins, exp. 5/31/14, P&G 4/27/14.
- Diapers:
- Target: Pampers or Huggies super packs or Luvs value packs $24.99. $2.00 off 1 Huggies diapers exp. 5/07/14, SS 4/13/14. $1.50 off Pampers diapers or pants (2bags or 1 box) exp. 5/31/14, P&G 4/27/14. Up & Up bulk packs $26.99
- Cheese:
- Cash Wise: Kraft 12oz singles 2 for $3.77 ($1.88) . Store coupon needed. Cub Foods: Crystal Farms 6-8oz shreds or chunks $1.98. Store coupon needed. $.50 off 1 Crystal Farms shredded cheese exp. 6/08/14, SS 4/13/14.
- Meats:
- Cash Wise: 5 for $19.99 sale on items that have a green circle on the package.
- Pop:
- Coke: Cash Wise: Coke, Sprite, diet coke, 24 pack 12oz cans 2 for $11.98 ($5.99). Store coupon needed.
- Pizza:
- Cash Wise: Tony's 8-15.76oz 5 for $10.00 ($2.00)
- Cereal: Cash Wise: General Mills cereal 3 for $5.00 ($1.66) Store coupon needed. 12.25oz Honey Nut Cheerios, 8.7oz Kix, 11.25oz Cookie Crisp, 11.5oz Lucky Charms, 13oz Reeses's Puffs, 14oz Cheerios original, 10.6oz Whole Grain Total, 18.25oz Raisin Bran Total. Kelloggs Frosted Flakes 10.5oz $1.66. Store coupon needed.
- Kwik Trip:
- Eggs- $.99 until 5/09/14.
- Butter- $1.99 until 5/09/
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